Browsing by Title
Now showing items 430-449 of 704
Lack of benefit sharing undermines support for nature conservation in an Eastern Afromontane biodiversity hotspot
(Ecology and Society, 2022)Successful forest conservation in the tropics depends on various biophysical, socioeconomic, cultural, and political factors. Researchers, environmental practitioners, and local people recognize the need to resolve ... -
Lamu put up sh33m modern market in drive to upgrade trade infrastructure in the county
(Daily Nation, 2021-12-21) -
Land-Based Activities as Pollution Sources on Fresh Water Resources: A Case Study of Selected Heavy Metal Contamination in River Mukurumudzi, Kwale County
(Kenya Aquatica Journal, 2019-12-30)Pollution of water-body ecosystems by heavy metals through uncontrolled anthropogenic activities lead to serious ecological problems in many parts of the world. These metals continue to accumulate to high toxic levels ... -
Lapsset road works halted over attacks
(Daily Nation, 2022-01-25) -
Lectin Variation in Members of Rhizoctonia Species
(J-STAGE, 2004-09-30)Isolates from two multinucleate Rhizoctonia species, namely Rhizoctonia solani and Rhizoctonia circinata, and binucleate Rhizoctonia spp., were evaluated for the presence of lectins, using human erythrocytes. Isolates from ... -
Length–weight and length–length relationships of five threatened fish species from the Jamuna (Brahmaputra River tributary) River, northern Bangladesh
(ResearchGate, 2012-02)The small indigenous species, namely Ailiichthys punctata (Day, 1871), Botia lohachata (Chaudhuri, 1912), Chanda nama (Hamilton, 1822), Laubuca laubuca (Hamilton, 1822) and Mystus cavasius (Hamilton, 1822), comprise an ... -
Length–weight relationship of 39 selected reef fishes in the Kenyan coastal artisanal fishery
(Elsevier, 2010-09-09)a b s t r a c t Length–weight relationships (LWRs) are presented for 39 major fish species in the Kenyan artisanal marine fishery. Captures were made between the years 2001 and 2009. The parameters a and b of the equation ... -
Literature Review on Biogas Feeding Systems
(Partners Universal Innovative Research Publication (PUIRP), 2024-10)Biogas feeding systems are the most important elements that influence the efficiency and productivity of the anaerobic digestion process. This paper reviews the different feeding strategies, including continuous, ... -
Local Community Involvement and Participation in Avitourism: A Case of Arabuko Sokoke Forest in Kenya
(International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management, 2022)Avitourism in the Kenyan Coast has received little research attention. This study examined issues relating to the level of local community involvement in avitourism in Arabuko Sokoke forest in Kilifi County. An adapted ... -
Locals defy calls to return to besiege villages
(Daily Nation, 2022-01-18) -
Long Line Seaweed Farming as an Alternative to other Commonly used Methods in Kenyan Coast
(Kenya Aquatica Journal, 2018-11-30)To counter the rampant fishing pressure on the over exploited fisheries resources, seaweed farming is gaining momentum as an alternative livelihood among the Kenya coastal communities. There is also a worldwide growing ... -
Lowenthalpygeothermalsystems in Kenya
(ELSELVIER, 1988)The location of Kenya's geothermal fields is shown. The chemistry of the lowenthalpy fields is given and reservoir temperatures estimated from these data. The most promising of these fields are the Mwananyamala, Homa ... -
(Pwani University, 2019-10-12)Proto-Bantu language reconstruction has a relatively simple phoneme inventory of eleven consonants and seven vowels. Most Bantu languages of present day are characterized by a high number of phonemes. The verbal morphology ... -
(Pwani Unversity, 2018-08-01)Utenzi wa Siri li Asrari ulitungwa katika karne ya 17 na mpaka sasa haujashughulikiwa ipasavyo. Ni utenzi unaozungumzia, kiubunifu, mojawapo ya vita vya Mtume Muhammad alivyopigana na wasioamini Uislamu. Mbali na hayo, ni ... -
Malaria and helminth interactions in humans: an epidemiological viewpoint
(Ann Trop Med Parasitol., 2006-10)Abstract Helminths are among the most common chronic infections in the tropics and Plasmodium infections the most deadly. These two groups of parasites have similar geographical distribution and co-infection is commonplace. ... -
Malindi space station puts Kenya on the global map
(Daily Nation, 2021-12-27) -
Management of working capital and its effect on profitability of manufacturing companies listed on Nairobi securities exchange (NSE), Kenya
(International Journal of Business and Finance Management Research, 2013-11-14)The efficient management of working capital is very vital for a business survival and thus a factor for overall boost in profitability. Thus the study analyzed the effects of working capital management on the profitability ... -
(Pwani University, 2016-09)The focus of this study was managing inappropriate behaviours management of pupils with cognitive disability in selected inclusive primary schools in Changamwe Sub-county. Pupils with cognitive disabilities inappropriate ... -
Marbled lungfish growth rates in Lake Baringo, Kenya, estimated by mark-recapture
(Wiley Online Library, 2006-02)Mark-recapture was used to quantify the relationship between body mass (MT) and individual growth rates of sub-adult marbled lungfish Protopterus aethiopicus in Lake Baringo, Kenya. Specific growth rate (in mass) was found ... -
Markets and Gender Interaction in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: A Case of the Coastal Kenya Sedentary Farm Households’ Experiences
(, 2012)Climate change is a global concern which manifests on a multilevel perspective and sometimes distinct or nested within some geographical boundaries. At the sedentary farm household systems climate change is real and continues ...