Kigiryama Phonology
Abstract: This paper provides an in-depth introduction to the
Phonology of Kigiryama language. Phonetics is the study of how
the sounds of the world’s languages are produced and perceived.
Phonology is the study of how these sounds are categorized,
contrasted, and organized into larger structures in each
language. In this paper, we will begin with a description of the
phonotactics of Kigiryama language and Kigiryama syllable
structure. Finally, this paper will analyze the phonological
processes involved with both vowels and consonants in the
language in question. The aim of the study is to give a
phonological description of Kigiryama vowels and consonants
with a special reference to the phonological processes that occur
in these phonemes. Data will be collected through interview
schedules and focus group discussions. Analysis of the data will
involve first translating the data into English, then classifying
and describing the words into the phonological processes of the
vowels and consonants. The findings will show that the processes
of glide formation, vowel deletion, vowel insertion and vowel
height assimilation occur mainly with vowels while the processes
of palatalization, labialization and assibilation occur mainly with
consonants. Throughout the paper, we will work with real data
from a diverse sample of the Kigiryama language. This
information is fundamental to any linguistic study since it forms
a foundation upon which various levels of linguistic analysis of
Kigiyama is based.
Key Words: Phonotactics, Syllabicity, Labialization,
Palatalization, Vowel Height Assimilation, Vowel Deletion And
Insertion, Assibilation And Glide Formation.