Department of Biomedical Sciences
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Eff ect of a fall in malaria transmission on morbidity and mortality in Kilifi , Kenya
(Lancet, 2008)Summary Background As eff orts to control malaria are expanded across the world, understanding the role of transmission intensity in determining the burden of clinical malaria is crucial to the prediction and measurement ... -
The effects of untreated bednets on malaria infection and morbidity on the Kenyan coast
(TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE, 2002-01-31)A study was conducted in order to determine whether children that slept under untreated bednets were protected against both malaria infection and clinical disease compared with children not sleeping under bednets. The ... -
Clinical algorithms for malaria diagnosis lack utility among people of different age groups
(Trop Med Int Health, 2005-06)We conducted a study to determine whether clinical algorithms would be useful in malaria diagnosis among people living in an area of moderate malaria transmission within Kilifi District in Kenya. A total of 1602 people ... -
Evidence for Over-Dispersion in the Distribution of Clinical Malaria Episodes in Children
(PLoS One, 2008-05-21)Abstract Background: It may be assumed that patterns of clinical malaria in children of similar age under the same level of exposure would follow a Poisson distribution with no over-dispersion. Longitudinal studies that ... -
It was a silly day to be sick
(The Lancet, 2001-12)When I first had malaria, the symptoms started while I was waiting my turn for an interview for my first research job 5 years ago. Feeling chi ... -
Peripheral blood dendritic cells in children with acute Plasmodium falciparum Malaria
(Blood, 2001)The importance of dendritic cells (DCs) for the initiation and regulation of immune responses not only to foreign organisms but also to the self has raised considerable interest in the qualitative and quantitative ... -
Protection against Clinical Malaria by Heterologous Immunoglobulin G Antibodies against Malaria- Infected Erythrocyte Variant Surface Antigens Requires Interaction with Asymptomatic Infections
(Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2004)Erythrocytes infected with mature stages of Plasmodium falciparum express variant surface antigens (VSAs) of parasite origin, including P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1. Anti-VSA antibodies protect against clinical ... -
B Cell Memory to 3 Plasmodium falciparum Blood-Stage Antigens in a Malaria-Endemic Area
(Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2005-05)To gain insight into why antibody responses to malarial antigens tend to be short lived, we studied antigenspecific memory B cells from donors in an area where malaria is endemic.We compared antibody and memory B cell ... -
An Immune Basis for Malaria Protection by the Sickle Cell Trait
(PLoS MEDICINE, 2005-05-31)Background Malaria resistance by the sickle cell trait (genotype HbAS) has served as the prime example of genetic selection for over half a century. Nevertheless, the mechanism of this resistance remains the subject of ... -
A Polymorphism of Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 Is Associated with a Reduced Incidence of Nonmalarial Febrile Illness in Kenyan Children
(Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2005-12-15)An intercellular adhesion molecule-1 polymorphism (ICAM-1Kilifi) is present at a high frequency across sub-Saharan Africa, and its presence may increase susceptibility to cerebral malaria. Here, we report that, compared ... -
Negative epistasis between the malaria-protective effects of α + - thalassemia and the sickle cell trait
(Nature Genetics, 2005-11)The hemoglobinopathies, disorders of hemoglobin structure and production, protect against death from malaria1. In sub-Saharan Africa, two such conditions occur at particularly high frequencies: presence of the structural ... -
A Phase 2b Randomised Trial of the Candidate Malaria Vaccines FP9 ME-TRAP and MVA ME-TRAP among Children in Kenya
(PLoS Clinical Trials, 2006)Objective: The objective was to measure the efficacy of the vaccination regimen FFM METRAP in preventing episodes of clinical malaria among children in a malaria endemic area. FFM ME-TRAP is sequential immunisation with ... -
The Haptoglobin 2-2 Genotype Is Associated with a Reduced Incidence of Plasmodium falciparum Malaria in Children on the Coast of Kenya
(Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2007-03-15)Background—Haptoglobin (Hp) genotype determines the efficiency of hemoglobin clearance after malaria-induced hemolysis and alters antioxidant and immune functions. The Hp2 allele is thought to have spread under strong ... -
Naturally acquired antibodies to polymorphic and conserved epitopes of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 3
(Parasite Immunology, 2007)Many studies on the role of merozoite surface protein 3 (MSP3) in immunity against malaria have focused on a conserved section of MSP3. New evidence suggests that polymorphic sequences within MSP3 are under immune ... -
Extended Follow-Up Following a Phase 2b Randomized Trial of the Candidate Malaria Vaccines FP9 ME-TRAP and MVA ME-TRAP among Children in Kenya
(Plos One, 2007)Background. ‘‘FFM ME-TRAP’’ is sequential immunisation with two attenuated poxvirus vectors (FP9 and modified vaccinia virus Ankara) delivering the pre-erythrocytic malaria antigen ME-TRAP. Over nine months follow-up in ... -
Acquisition of naturally occurring antibody responses to recombinant protein domains of Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1
(2008-08-16)Background: Antibodies targeting variant antigens expressed on the surface of Plasmodium falciparum infected erythrocytes have been associated with protection from clinical malaria. The precise target for these antibodies ... -
Failure to respond to the surface of Plasmodium falciparum infected erythrocytes predicts susceptibility to clinical malaria amongst African children
(Elisevier, 2008-03-17)Abstract Following infection with Plasmodium falciparum malaria, children in endemic areas develop antibodies specific to antigens on the parasite- infected red cell surface of the infecting isolate, antibodies associated ... -
Defining Childhood Severe Falciparum Malaria for Intervention Studies
(PLOS, 2007-08-21)Background Clinical trials of interventions designed to prevent severe falciparum malaria in children require a clear endpoint. The internationally accepted definition of severe malaria is sensitive, and appropriate for ... -
Correlation of Memory T Cell Responses against TRAP with Protection from Clinical Malaria, and CD4+ CD25high T Cells with Susceptibility in Kenyans
(PLoS ONE, 2008-04-30)Abstract Background: Immunity to malaria develops naturally in endemic regions, but the protective immune mechanisms are poorly understood. Many vaccination strategies aim to induce T cells against diverse pre-erythrocytic ... -
Relationship Between Exposure, Clinical Malaria, and Age in an Area of Changing Transmission Intensity
(Am J Trop Med Hyg., 2008-08)Abstract The relationship between malaria transmission intensity and clinical disease is important for predicting the outcome of control measures that reduce transmission. Comparisons of hospital data between areas of ...