Positioning the scholarship of teaching and learning in the academic arena
This paper begins by indicating the differences in perception of the Scholarship of
Teaching and Learning. The paper underscores the need to further operationalise the
term ‘SOTL’ for it to be fully embraced by higher education institutions. The paper then
discusses the challenges faced by SOTL as an emerging discipline within the traditionally
research oriented higher education institutions. The presentation particularly focuses on
the challenges of evaluating the SOTL by identifying some of the complexities involved.
The paper highlights some of the currently suggested evaluation criteria for the SOTL
work and their shortcomings and makes suggestions on what else could be included in
order to standardize SOTL work. The paper then explores some of the strategies that
could be used to address the challenges faced by the scholarship of teaching and
learning. A proposal on some form of acceptable criteria for evaluating the SOTL work
to help distinguish SOTL from past traditions in higher education such as classroom
assessment is then made. The presentation ends by making suggestions on some standard
procedures and practices that could be incorporated into SOTL work for it to be
embraced world wide.