MM, Muniafu
KW, Kipkore
AO, Maima
MO, Kwena
JHP, Kahindi
Show full item recordAbstract
Keywords: Giriama; Ethno-medicine; Deinbollia;
Clerodendrum; Gardenia; herbal remedies; sustainability
Background: Though the Giriama people of Kenya rely
mostly on ethno-medicine to manage human ailments, the
indigenous knowledge remains largely undocumented.
This study was set to survey, record and report some of
the medicinal plant species they use to manage human
ailments. The Main Objective of this study was to identify
some of the indigenous medicinal plants used amongst the
Giriama community of Kenya. Methodoloy: Observations
and semi-structured interviews (see Appendix 1) were used
to gather ethno-botanical data for each plant. About 3 Kg of
suitable specimens were harvested, with leaves pressed and
preserved for identification at SUDIC Herbarium. Voucher
specimens were also deposited at SUDIC and excess material
powdered and kept dry. The pressed specimens were dried
at 200 C to 250 C using plant blower. Results: A total of 23
medicinal plants, belonging to 15 families, were harvested
and identified. The families Lamiaceae, Malvaceae and
Fabaceae were the most represented. The medicinal use
of three of the plant species (Deinbollia borbonica Scheff.,
Clerodendrum incisum Klotzsch and Gardenia posoquerioides
S. Moore) had hitherto not been documented and may be
new records for treating various ailments. Conclusion and
Suggestions: It is apparent that the Giriama of Basi are well
endowed with knowledge on indigenous ethno-medicine
and forest contours. Their passion and protection of the
Kayas and medicinal plants help them in contributing not
only to sustainable provision of community health care but
also a potential to share this knowledge far beyond their Kilifi
County. If nurtured well, this knowledge could empower the
people economically. It could also be incorporated into key
policies to guide conservation efforts for the rainforest and
its biodiversity, to stave off over-utilization and loss of plant
genetic reservoir. The ethno-medicinal knowledge needs to
be well researched and recorded before it is irretrievably lost.