Despite the importance of knowledge in Biology, candidates’ performance at the national
examination; The Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) is poor. This could
be attributed to the teaching methods. The purpose of this study was to compare
differential effectiveness of Sequential Teaching Methods (STM) on the achievement,
retention and transfer of knowledge in Biology by secondary school students. The study
was Quasi- experimental using the Non-equivalent control- group 16 study design. There
were four groups divided into eight (8) sub-groups: four Boys only schools and four Girls
only schools to allow for investigation of gender. All the four groups took a pre-test, posttest,
knowledge retention test and a transfer 0f knowledge test to make a total of 16
observations. The target population comprised students in the 18 old category National
Schools in Kenya that were in existence before 2012. Purposive sampling was used to
obtain a sample of eight (8) schools and 402 Students. The students in the eight (8) subgroups
were taught the same Biology topic: “General Characteristics of Enzymes”, using
different sequences of three teaching methods namely: lecture, slide demonstration and
laboratory (student experiment). Group I (ELD) began with experiments, followed by
lecture method and was lastly shown, animated slides. The sequence of the three different
methods used in the first group was altered in both the second and third groups as follows:
The lecture method, slide demonstration and laboratory experiment (LDE) for Group II,
and slide demonstration, experiment and lecture method (DEL) for group III. Students in
group IV (control group) were taught using (oral-only) lecture method. The teachers gave
lectures and performed slide demonstration while the students carried out laboratory
experiments. In order to quantitatively measure achievement based on the various
sequences of teaching the researcher used the Biology Achievement Test (BAT). The test
was used as a pre-test and also post-test. In addition, it was also used as a retention test that
was administered 40 days after the Post-test BAT. This test had 25 objective questions
testing knowledge of facts, application of knowledge and problem solving ability. To
measure Transfer of Knowledge, the researcher used Concept Maps as an assessment tool.
The four research hypotheses were tested using ANOVA at significant level of 0.05. The
results and findings of the study show that STM, when efficiently used in instruction, could
enhance immediate post achievement test scores, retention and transfer of knowledge in
Biology more effectively than the oratory lecture method predominantly used in Kenyan
Secondary schools. Furthermore, DEL sequence was identified as the most effective in
comparison to LDE and ELD. The findings of the study will help curriculum developers
and teachers to choose the most appropriate sequence to use in Biology